This season, the industry is facing a significant new challenge with the fruit fly, an issue that demands close collaboration with our growers. 當我們面對這個複雜的局面時,我們的方法包括以公司和產業的方式進行調整,以符合主要市場(尤其是中國)的嚴格要求。
公司適應性:我們正加強我們的規範,並投資於先進的技術,以有效管理果蠅風險。在我們位於管制區內的 DDC Romeral 包裝廠,我們將有一支由內部冷藏專家組成的專門團隊,負責監督安裝在集裝箱中的溫度記錄儀的運作。這些裝置對於監控和維持最佳溫度以確保果蠅滅絕至關重要,並嚴格遵守國際植物檢疫標準。
行業適應:我們正與行業利益相關者密切合作,協調工作並簡化流程。這涉及到與種植者、農業和畜牧服務 (SAG)、物流& 貨運公司以及供應鏈中所有其他主要參與者的合作。透過調整我們的策略和分享知識,我們的目標是共同應對這項挑戰,並維持我們出口的高品質標準。
Alternative Plans and Coordination
In addition to our primary protocols, we are developing alternative plans to further safeguard against the fruit fly. These include exploring new treatment technologies and methods to enhance our current systems. Coordination with our growers is essential, ensuring they are well-informed and equipped to manage fruit fly risks at the source.
We also maintain open lines of communication with SAG and logistics partners to address any potential issues promptly and effectively. This collaborative approach helps us stay ahead of challenges and adapt swiftly to evolving requirements.
For more detailed information on how to manage fruit fly risks, we have prepared a practical brochure for our growers. This resource provides valuable insights and guidance on best practices and protocols to follow. You can find the brochure attached below.
Together, we are committed to overcoming this challenge and ensuring that our fruit continues to meet the highest quality standards in global markets.